I’ve been studying the book of Job lately and an interesting question from chapter 1 has come to mind. Would you serve God for nothing? I mean, if the blessings stopped flowing today, would you still be interested in Him. In other words, where does your faith originate? Is it only wrapped up in the good things you receive from Him?
Satan believes that you are so shallow that if the blessings stop flowing you will turn from God. He really believes that you are that superficial. What if the blessings not only stopped flowing but, they are taken away?
“But stretch out your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.” Job 1:11 (NRSV)
So, not only would he be angry at God, he would curse Him to His face! That’s what Satan believes about Job. I believe he thinks this way about all of us. We are so wrapped up in ourselves that we become self-centered and shallow in our thinking. When the good stops we become angry and turn and bite the hand that feeds us.
I love the confidence God has in Job. He knows the real relationship they have. He knows Job very well. This is about having extreme faith in God. Job’s faith is in God alone, not in his blessings.
So, the question remains, would you serve God solely because He is God? Is that enough for you? Hmmmm, interesting.
Peace to you!